28 May, 2024

Confessions of a learning addict

28 May, 2024

I don’t like to be told what to do.

And I like freedom of choice, thinking, doing, and making a real difference.

Plus I like to create, build, and make things better. I don’t like to be forced to do things in someone else’s way.

But I didn’t like to study; I didn’t like to spend time studying at school.

I remember my mum getting upset because she wanted me to do more and some extra; she kind of pushed me to learn – funny coming from someone who is literally being paid for learning and never stopped doing it.

But nobody likes to be forced. Do you agree?

There must be a better way

👉 I was super curious.

I was “smart but lazy”, as my mum would say.

No, I did believe that there was a better way to learn than memorising textbooks.

👉 I believed that we have unlimited possibilities. People called me a dreamer.

I preferred to play outside with my friends and do only the bare minimum, even though I always got great grades, but I didn’t work hard enough and they could be better. I know – do you know this “it could be better”?

At that time, I really got frustrated about the education system.

I studied adult education, pedagogy, and psychology. I knew that there must be a better way to learn faster, to learn more effectively, and without all this memorising.

So I learned to do mind maps, which even improved my memory to learn faster and use less time to study. I also learned speed reading later on as well and always experimented with new ways.

But still, it was only going to my short memory, and kind of I knew it, but… what a waste of time

I created an experiment at my university and created the first experiential course, taking people into the field and learning in real life, on the street.

👉 Great success!

And I received a letter from the Minister of Education for contribution to education with a grant for PhD study!

But I did not take it at that time. I had to make money to pay for my mum’s flat.

The beginning of my international life

So I decided to clean toilets in UK instead… different story, but what can you do if you don’t speak the language?

I climbed my way to the General Management position and decided to move to a corporate role. So I worked for years in Learning & Development.

And, of course, studied again because I am a Learning Addict, and I always wanted to be a business doctor (Another side story for newsletter).

I knew I wanted to create and design new ways of doing things, and I always knew there was a better way, and I wanted to find it.

I did my MBA in Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management. Followed other postgraduate certifications in Personal Management, Neuroscience for business, Design thinking, etc. and spent 7 years on personal development and more than multiple 6 figures and countless hours of training and mentorships and dive into the world of Universe and spirits to complete the science.

I have worked in a few different industries and different companies and I know the world of entrepreneurship. Both the shiny side and the ugly one.

Experiential learning

I created the most outstanding and innovative programs. Taught 200 Managing Directors Innovation and change in an extremely effective way.

I made senior bank managers dance.

👍 I teach innovation and change in 5 minutes.

I studied for years, and I loved it, but I teach in minutes.


Because behind every click there is a human heartbeat.

I design experience, not online programs, not coaching sessions.

I design and co-create for results and change, not for another certificate.

Because until you do, you really don’t know.

Why don’t I believe in case studies?

And why don’t I teach, hire, or mentor that way?

I remember the first time I did a live speech in one of my mentoring sessions about speaking. I watched the guy before me on the stage speaking, and I was thinking, oh, I would say this like this, oh, I would add this…

At that moment, the speaker asked: “Who wants to come on stage?”

I don’t know what happened, but I just saw my hand flashing up.

So little I knew what would come next…

He said, “okay, so let’s go live!”

“Go to your Facebook profile and go live, just say a few words.”


Panic reached me…

“I am not ready…”

Thousands of thoughts came through my head, including that all those people are looking at me right now, I cannot just not do it.

But I mentioned: “I don’t have Facebook live setup” – I thought I was smart, and I found the right excuse.

“No problem, we will set it up right now” – he said.

And my cheeks became super red.

Yes, I used to become red when speaking in public.

So with all my “case studies,” all my knowledge of how others are speaking, with all the information I received in speaking courses, communication, etc.… I was there standing, with my phone, and an excellent speaker on stage to face my fame…

3…2….1 go!

We are live!

He introduced himself and passed my phone to me; I was like this:

“When I was seated there, it looked so easy, I exactly knew what to say and how to say it, but here. Here is totally different, but I am really happy I did it. Thank you for watching my first-ever live on Facebook.”

I know that when you watch a video or read a book, you feel good.

I know you love doing and action.

But also know that when you actually do it, it is a different story.

So we speed up the experiences of transformation.

There is:

👉 Knowledge for the analytical brain,

👉 Experience for our habitual body,

👉 A space for quantum energy and leap.

So, I love the 5% strategy and 95% Integration, where you play along, your work and life in a natural effortless way. I call it CROWDSULTING – more about it in the next newsletter.

It’s like taking a shortcut, “See it as an accelerator”!

Rebirth – Dare to be Irreplaceable – is LIVE.

Hope you enjoy the reading. For more join the email newsletter for regular energy boost.

© weinvolve