Navigating the Unknown – A Compass for Evolving Leaders

Part 1: Born Wise, Then Educated: Our Journey from Intuitive Wisdom to ConditioningThe Illusion of knowingAs infants, our world is dictated by intuition and curiosity. This innate wisdom is our guiding star. Yet, with time and social norms, structured learning often takes precedence. We’re taught to fit in molds, to pursue standardised paths: secure a job, climb the career ladder, start a family, buy a house.And that’s what I did, even though I was thinking about, maybe to start a business,… I quickly dismissed it… whatever, that was not in my way.So I did, I got a job,...

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One Magical Word Where Freedom Begins

“With” vs “For”. A tiny change in preposition that promises to radically shift your perspective on work, and in doing so, might just transform your entire life. Get ready for a journey to freedom.Embracing the Freedom TrapFirst things first: who among us doesn’t crave more freedom? Regardless of whether you are embedded in the corporate world or braving the wilds of entrepreneurship, that thirst for autonomy resonates with us all. We yearn to escape the cubicle confines, to carve our path, to wield the power to implement our ideas without endless bureaucratic hoops...

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How Snowboarding can Train Your Autopilot for change and future proof?How Snowboarding can Train Your Autopilot for change and future proof?A few weeks ago, my family and I went on a ski holiday in the mountains. It was a beautiful day with great weather, and my two girls, aged nine and eleven wanted to learn snowboarding. They had tried it a year or two ago, and it was kind of okay. But this year, it was much more challenging, and it was fascinating to see how they adapted to the new learning experience.My 3-year-old son, on the other hand, was skiing with little effort, gliding on the snow...

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Uncovered Future Opportunities system: Skills of the Future Level 2

The skills of the futureNavigating in uncertain world is like getting into a space ship and taking off. You dont know what is out there. We simply dont know, how far we go, what is behind the next corner and what news we will receive. We simply have to learn and simply navigate it. Get into this Ship that will take us into the future. We have heard a lot about Adaptive leadership, Learning Agility, Strategic agility, Fast Decision making and Judgment, the number 1 skill following WEF ranking for 2030.The UFO (Uncovered Future Opportunities)...

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Is Future-Proofing Yourself or Your Business Even Possible?

What does ‘future-proofing’ even really mean? And what does it take to be successful?What skills and attributes do employees and leaders need?  What it takes to be successful.I have been working on this topic over the past fifteen years, discovering, and studying adult education and innovation. I have been connecting, learning and doing, and discovering big gaps between those two elements. “What got you here will not take you there” M. Goldsmith Collectively, we know that as the pace of change accelerates, retraining and updating skills is more important than ever, but why? What skills...

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Does Change Really Have to Come From the Top?

I have worked for many years in organizations in transformation, change management, and innovation. In every book, course, or business, I always heard, ‘Change has to come from the top.’ THE CEOs, MANAGEMENT, BOARD etc Everybody is looking to the leadership to implement and enforce change.But change has to come from the heart.This is the place in every human being where change happens. If change doesn’t reach the heart, it doesn’t stick.Change happens because someone gets an idea or vision of a better world, becomes passionate about it, and takes the first step. And because passion...

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DO YOU NEED A MasterMind?

 My own discovery and outcome about masterminds.“You can accomplish in one year more than you could accomplish without it in a lifetime.” Napoleon Hill, the creator of the MasterMind concept. Mastermind groups have become a massive trend for modern entrepreneurs and business innovators. These groups allow business owners and entrepreneurs to collaborate and share ideas. They create an excellent environment for growth. But seriously, how is it possible that you could accomplish so much in one year?Jim Rohn once says, “You are the average of the five people you spend...

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“Smart people learn from their own mistakes, geniuses from the mistakes of others” – Brandon MullThe Story about failures and the F**ck-up night.Why weinvolve got involved?I spent many years bringing innovation, transformation and change. Through different organisations, I helped people to reinvent, innovate and re-design.Working as an external and internal consultant running Innovation projects across different departments, many different stakeholders were involved. I also run senior executives leadership programs, working with top executives, management and also having some...

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Love in Lockdown

We mostly talk about innovation, pivoting, and change in business and work life. But everything is constantly changing, and we need the ability to reinvent and be ready for what comes. So agility and figuring out things are crucial in every part of life.So, Today we share the story of Debie, today she is very strong part of weinvolve team coming to Switzerland from India following and overcoming pandemic obstacle a to be with her now husband. Read directly from her what it means to be inlove in the world of closed borders and restrictions and what it takes to be together.I was co-owner of a...

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